Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Homeland celebrates its birthday.

Terrible photo on CNN, so I've provided one that's more fitting.
"Imagine what you can do here!"
Yes! Eat stale smiley cookies at Eat 'n Park! Stare at the overcast sky! Visit that one French and Indian War fort!

Actually, long-time readers will know, that like many emigrants from Pittsburgh, I am a freakily fierce defender of my hometown. This means I can make fun of it, like you can make fun of your dad, but you wouldn't catch me mocking your pa's propensity for multiple gold chains and stinky cologne, at least not in front of you, right? Well, that gold-chained papa, with his closet full of Stillers sweatshirts, he is the Dad of Pittsburgh. And don't mock him, or you're in for a hurting, a Jerome Bettis-style bus-accident, my friend.

Sigh. Can't wait till Christmas.



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