Friday, May 25, 2007

Technology, it don't need me.
I came to Atlanta this weekend to visit with old friends. Then I realized, however, that I could also possibly nail down an interview with one person in a story that I’m working on. In two days’ notice, I asked for an interview and graciously, this guy accepted. We met at the coffeeshop where I used to work 'way back when, and I interviewed him for an hour.

Here’s the thing, though. There are dangers to relying on digital recorders while conducting interviews. One of those potential dangers is hitting “Stop” and there being a malfunction and you’ve lost your entire interview for no reason you can fathom. That’s one danger I was reminded of, today. Yessiree, shit.

Some writers, like Susan Orlean, rely completely on physical notetaking for their stories. I respect that; it’s inherently less intrusive. I have yet to grasp, however, how you sit there furiously taking notes while effectively carrying on a conversation. That, and how do you get down what the person has said, word for word? You can capture the tone of the conversation, sure, but how do you guarantee absolute accuracy? Which I’m a stickler for.
Anyhoo. If you are Susan Orlean or if you are anyone else, even, I am now accepting suggestions.

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