Friday, February 10, 2006

Four Things about alice
Yowza! Mister Sweet/Sour Chutney, done tagged me, so here-a-goes:

Four jobs I’ve had in my life
1. Purveyor of espresso
2. Wrapper of chimes
3. Scrawler of news storays
4. Bleach-soaked vendor of bleach-soaked flowers

Four movies I can watch over and over
1. The Big Lebowski
2. Waking Life
3. Joe Versus the Volcano
4. Arizona Dream

Four places I have lived
1. Pittsburgh, pa
2. Chapel Hill, nc
3. Washington, dc
4. Sevilla, spain

Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Six Feet Under (R.I.P.)
2. The Daily Show
3. Mary Tyler Moore
4. Freaks and Geeks
(Only one of these shows actually exists on television now; hmm.)

Four places I have been on vacation
1. Grifton, nc
2. Jackson, nh
3. Mexico Beach, ga
4. Mexico Mexico, mexico

Four of my favourite dishes
1. Chila-fucking-quiles
2. Olive Chicken
3. Broccoli Casserole
4. spicy Indian chickpea dish concocted by Marshall

Four websites I visit daily
1. yarhoo mail
2. Salon
3. The Comics Curmudgeon
4. Overheard in NY

Four places I would rather be right now
1. Guanajuato, oh.
2. In my parents’ kitchen in Pittsburgh; cooking, drinking wine and shooting the shit
3. Somehow, out dancing to really good music.
4. Working really hard at Dream Radio Show of the great midwest

Four bloggers I am tagging
I don’t really know bloggers; only people.


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