Monday, March 28, 2005

Mystery Billboard
There’s a mystery billboard on a road near our house. It depicts a big bed with a white bedspread beside a table with what looks like two dozen cone-shaped water-cooler cups on it. Or something. Because I always drive by it before I can figure out what the hell it is, exactly. There’s also some tag line that I can’t even remember because it makes no sense to me.

Actually, the sign’s been up for a couple of months now, and early on, I not only gave up trying to figure out what it was pushing, I decided I didn’t want to know. I hate billboards but kinda like the idea of giant public photos of indistinct meaning. I avert my eyes now as I drive past. I still see that fuzzy mass of white out of the corner of my right eye, but instead of causing me to feel all harried and advertised-to, I think of downy pillows on a cloudy day. I relax.


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