Monday, May 24, 2004

I’ve found one reason I’m glad I live here.

In the U.S. of Aye-yi-yi, that is.

I’m glad I’m an American because I can spell s-k-e-p-t-i-c with a "k," instead of the British "sceptic." God! I can't stand to even see it here; it's just so strangely without the cojones that the term requires to mean doubter, questioner. Always freaked me out in my philosophy courses when we came across British readings with the strange, eunich-like spelling of such an intentionally muscled word.
I think.

On the other hand, I like to spell grey with an "e," because I just prefer it aesthetically to "-ay." It just feels--greyer. And damn it, you know what? I’m jotting this out in Word, and the program tried to change it to "-ay," just now.

God damned big brother.

How do they spell these things in Canada? I know they’re sorta-kinda British there, kind of. Right? Err. Or. Something?

(No, Alice; you can’t defect: Your historical cluelessness re. our Neighbor to the North exposes you: So American.)

By the way, don't have much of an opinion on the "–our" versus "-or" endings, but I’ll keep ya posted.


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